Contact SaraBeth 07380 909909
Contact SaraBeth 07380 909909
'With Ancestral Clearing™ we are creating a bridge of Light, no matter how deep the canyon, or how long it has been there". John Newton
"Resolving the family scaffolding to reveal Our Divine Infrastructure
Truth" SBGrace
Getting Our FREE WILL back with Ancestral Clearing ™ People talk about ‘choice’ "S/he chose that .........” and on some level they did, however many of us are making choices based on unconscious patterning and trauma responses that we are not even aware of
With Ancestral Clearing - a simple process that frees us of the burdens that have kept us in unconscious choices. We get to make choices from our Hearts Inner Knowing
Change begins when you make your appointment, and set your intention.
Clients come to an appointment with any issue that they want to resolve, you do not have to say what the issue is. We are all connected to the same energy. For that reason, this work can be done remotely as well as in person.
We work on addressing layers of burden that can keep us from living a life of our true rhythm.
People can benefit highly from one session, however more than one session is recommended and a series of sessions allows for ongoing clearing of burden, its like taking a shower to clear your energetic burdens, best done regularly! .......and you can decide the frequency that works best for you
Please click on Contact Us so that we can contact you to set up an appointment time that is convenient for you, We will meet together either over the phone or Zoom
Your session starts once you have booked and paid for your session.
Please watch these videos below before your session,
Thank you - they will enhance our time together.
With Gratitude to John Newton at Health Beyond Belief
John Talking about 'What is Ancestral Clearing'
Click here (5.38 minutes)
The Language That Will Change Our Future | Gregg Braden
Gregg Braden Click here (14.18 minutes)
For all treatments offered by Touchtransformation
We do not treat, diagnose, prescribe or cure any medical or psychological conditions. This is not a substitute for medical care. The work here is considered complimentary and simply addresses the possible spiritual connection to issues that may affect well-being.
Being in Our Own True Rhythm
“Thank you Sara for your highly skilled and sensitive work with me with Ancestral Clearing.
I got in touch with a really deep wound that had been quite unconsciously sitting there in my unconscious and your work helped lay a ghost.
Sara is a rare gem in the world of healing, Some people have the touch in the hands and it can’t be taught. Her Clearing Touch work is profoundly intuitive and relational." Highly recommended”
Malcolm Stern - Author Slay your Dragons with Compassion, Psychotherapist, Co-Founder of Alternatives at St James - Piccadilly - London May 2022
"Sara is a deep listener and is powerfully intuitive. She holds a safe and non-judgemental space for me to feel whatever is coming up for me in a session. Her work has been consistently transformational in my life. I am so grateful." -
Congratulations!!! (on completing Level 4 - And you a BRILLIANT at this work!!!
Elizabeth Kipp, Stress Management Specialist, author of The Way Through Chronic Pain: Tools to Reclaim Your Healing Power.
“Sara is like a secret gift in my treasure chest, that I can go to in times of need. In my work I’m helping so many people, but it’s been hard to receive for myself in the same way.
Sara, is that person who I know, helps me in ways that I haven’t yet found anyone else can do. Recently I had some health things show up, which she navigated through in one session and she cracked it!
Totally better now. I know I can turn to her in my time of need. She really is a gift that should be shared. So grateful Sara.”
Charan Surdhar
DNA Scientist
GeneOM™Express the Power in Your DNA
"Thank you so much for our wonderful session this morning Sara Ancestral Clearing™ is a powerful tool that addressed more than forgiveness toward others as I knew it. I feel so much better having honoured myself by allowing my emotions that have lingered within to be healed as well - not only the ones I knew about in this lifetime, but those I did not know on all time lines. While I had 'forgiven' others... I had not let go of the emotional pain that remained in my body. Forgiveness means so much more than releasing the person or self.
A remarkable experience, taking the body out of defence, allowing the body to heal. Remotely I experienced this morning more insight and clarity along with releasing emotional burdens I was carrying unaware of them or where they were coming from.
While my work is similar in part, this is on another level and fits like a glove! I am so happy to be on this journey in life!
I highly recommend this process. A big thank you Sara. (Remotely from UK)
Cheryl Relf June 2020
More testimonials click here and click here
Contact Sara for sessions click here or call
+44 07380 909909
For information and appointments SaraBeth +44 07380 909909 -